Medical Risk Assessment and Medical Plan



Medical Risk Assessment and Medical Plan
SAU – D008- Dated 1st September 2022 – Issue 5


This document combines the Medical Risk Assessment and Medical Plan. It addresses:

Infrastructure and Organisation

Access for Emergency Vehicles

St Andrews United’s Clayton Caravan Park Recreation Ground [CCPRG] is linked to Langlands Road and would permit direct access for emergency vehicles to the pitch and Dressing Rooms

First Aid Facilities

The principal first aid room is beside the changing room area but is directly accessible and does not require access through either dressing room or any other room.

It contains basic first aid equipment, a couch and water supplies. There are toilets within the dressing room area.

Organisation and Personel

St Andrews United  (“the Club”) has an association with a Doctor for advice and guidance on all medical matters. The Doctor is in attendance for major matches (where attendance is greater than 1000 is anticipated). The club also ensures that there is at least one qualified First Aid staff member present at all matches.

There is an announcer present at every home match. This person will be located at the entrance to the dressing rooms and is the focal point for co-ordination of messages during the match. He/she will make any safety announcements and will have immediate access to a telephone to communicate with others including the emergency services to ensure expedited management of any health and safety issues.

Identifiable Medical Risks

The most likely source of a medical issue is the injury to players during the normal course of the match. This can cover the spectrum of minor injury which is treated pitchside before the player returns to the game to serious injury requiring immediate intervention and hospitalisation.

Current Arrangements

The club will ensure that there is a qualified sports first-aider present at all matches. A stretcher is available in the dressing rooms which will allow removal of players from the pitch to the first aid room in the dressing rooms if the player requires assistance to leave the pitch.

The nearest accident department is at the Ninewells Hospital, which is 30 minutes from the ground under normal traffic conditions. And or Victoria Hospital. The first-aider looking after an injured player will make arrangements through the Ground Co-ordinator either to arrange transport for a player to the infirmary for further assessment or to call the emergency services if immediate medical care is required.

The risk of injury to players does not vary significantly between normal and major matches and this assessment applies to all matches.

1.3 Assessment

      The current arrangements are satisfactory but it is recommended that  the procedure for removal of the player from the pitch and making arrangements for onward transport are rehearsed at least annually.

Actions required

Annual rehearsal of arrangements as above

Injury to Spectators

2.1 Description

The following risk factors can be considered collectively for assessment purposes;

Current Arrangements:

Direct injury from fire and structural failure has been reduced to acceptable levels by the inspection and maintenance required by the local authorities. In the event that there was a risk of structural failure this would be controlled by closing off  the affected area of the ground or cancellation of the match.

Other risks are proportional to the attendance. The club will ensure that there are additional first aid staff present for matches where more than 500 spectators are expected. The precise arrangements will be agreed in discussions with the police, NHS and first aid suppliers.


Arrangements are considered adequate for all foreseeable risks.

Actions Required



There is general risk of illness whenever there are gatherings of people. There are no identifiable risk factors which suggest that players and spectators at a match are at greater risk of illness except the established risks that can be associated with any situation in which there is potential stress (e.g., heart  attacks in those with pre-existing risk factors).

Current Arrangements:

Immediate care is the same as for physical injury. Anyone becoming ill will be made comfortable and the condition assessed by a first aider or doctor. In an emergency an ambulance will be called –DIAL 999-otherwise advice can be obtained from NHS 24 – DIAL 08454 24 24 24.


Current arrangements are satisfactory.

Actions Required


General Medical Provisions

The following personnel must be present at each home match ;

Where there is an anticipated attendance of greater than 500, in addition to the above ;

The club doctor is responsible for advising on equipment to be present in the first aid room and in the medical bags available to sports first aiders and the sports first aiders are responsible for checking that the equipment is present and in good order.

The team must be accompanied by a sports first aider at all matches, including away matches.

This policy has been approved by the club Doctor, Dr Blair H Smith.

Mandatory Review Date (to be reviewed and published annually)

Review Date:              1st September 2023