Unacceptable Conduct Policy



Unacceptable Conduct Policy
SAU – D009- Dated 1st September 2022 – Issue 5


St Andrews United is a member of the East of Scotland  Football League

 St Andrews United will not tolerate unacceptable conduct from the Club’s employees, committee members, players or supporters at The Clayton Caravan Park Recreation Ground [CCPRG] or at any other away football stadia.

Unacceptable Conduct Policy

St Andrews United  aims to create and maintain an environment where spectators can enjoy the game of football, safe in the knowledge that they are free from all forms of harassment, abuse, unacceptable or disorderly conduct.

This policy applies for any football matches or events within The CCPRG, or at any away ground fixtures.


Unacceptable conduct is conduct which is violent or disorderly. Conduct is violent where there is:

Disorderly conduct involves any activity which stirs up or sustains, or is likely, or is designed to stir up or sustain hatred or ill will against or towards individuals or groups of people because of:


St Andrews United condemns racism in any form, either on or off the pitch. St Andrews United aims to create and maintain a working and spectating environment free from racial harassment and abuse. Everyone connected with St Andrews United has a responsibility to prevent racial harassment or abuse.

A racist incident is defined as any incident that is perceived by St Andrews United  to be racist by the victim, or any other person. Racial harassment is defined by St Andrews United to be any verbal, physical, written or visible abuse that is based on a person’s race, ethnic background, colour, nationality, language or cultural background – and is considered to be unwanted, unacceptable and offensive to the person.

Proven racial harassment or abuse will lead to action being taken against spectators and will be reported to the police and may result in a life ban from the CCPRG.  St Andrews United will give their full support to the police in any criminal actions.

All employees, committee members, players and servants of the Club have a responsibility to make it clear that such behaviour by anyone connected with St Andrews United is unacceptable.

Supporters should also note that racist taunts and abusive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated by St Andrews United.

Any supporters (home or visiting) behaving in this way will face eviction from the ground and their actions will be reported to the police. Season ticket holders who conduct themselves in this manner face having their season ticket revoked and all spectators face the prospect of a life ban from the CCPRG.

St Andrews United fully supports and will promote the Show Racism the Red Card Campaign, details of which can be found at www.srtrc.org.

Sectarianism – Kick Out Bigotry the Pledge

Scottish football fans have earned a word wide reputation for their enthusiastic and good-natured support of the national team. While most fans follow club football in a responsible way, there are occasions where individuals are intent on causing trouble, using football as an excuse for bigoted and unacceptable behaviour.

By working together to remove bigotry from out football grounds we can demonstrate that Scottish football fans and in particular St Andrews United   supporters:

St Andrews United supports the pledge at www.kickoutbigotry.org/pledge, and the Club encourages all St Andrews United supporters to also sign the Kick Out Bigotry Pledge.




Everyone associated with the Club has a responsibility to prevent and discourage any form of abuse and, as such, are responsible not only for their own actions but also those of others. We would therefore encourage everyone to bring to the Club’s attention, any incident or behaviour, of individuals or groups of individuals, deemed to be in breach of this policy.

Whilst it is appreciated that behaviour such as that listed above involves the minority of individuals in our society, St Andrews United wishes to ensure that we continue to maintain the highest standards both on and off the field of play and that the name ‘St Andrews United’ is associated with good and sporting behaviour at all times.

Document Control
Mandatory Review Date (To be reviewed and published annually).
Review Date:              1st September 2023